Explicit Hate
109 Countries
Also appears as: 110 Countries
“109 countries” is reference to an antisemitic myth that Jews have historically been expelled from 109 countries. The myth is persistent in conspiratorial antisemitic movements, and the idea that malicious Jewish conduct has led to widespread rejection is used to promote a white nationalist narrative that Jewish exile or genocide are necessary.
The phrase is sometimes censored on social media for hate speech and disinformation, however, references to the concept that use coded language, such as referencing “the 110th country” in future-tense can be more difficult to moderate.

Number codes like 13/50 are used by white supremacists to perpetuate a racist myth that black people are inherently prone to crime or violence. 13/50 is a code for the false claim that Black Americans commit 50% of violence crime despite making up 13% of the population. The percentages and the slogan often appear in similar numbers like 14% and 51%, respectively. Because they are coded, they can appear in memes that do not immediately appear to be hateful to those unfamiliar with them.

6 Gorillion
‘Six Gorillion’ is mocking reference to the six million Jews killed by Nazi Germany in the Holocaust. The term exists to emphasize an antisemitic narrative that the number six million was fabricated, and that Jews use that figure as a rhetorical shield and justification for alleged machinations. It is used in antisemitic memes to deny, distort, or mock the Holocaust and the memorial culture that surrounds it.

6 Million?
"6 Million?" is a meme that calls into question the number of Jews killed during the Holocaust. Some Holocaust deniers and distorters will concede that Jews were killed by the Nazi regime and their collaborators, but will attempt to use sophistry and disinformation to undermine widely documented and accepted historical facts.

6MWE stands for “Six Million Wasn’t Enough”. It is an antisemitic slogan known for its use by the Proud Boys. The phrase plays off of tropes in modern Holocaust celebration, lamenting that the 6 million Jews killed in the Holocaust was only part of an incomplete solution and that more Jews need to die in addition to those who perished in the Holocaust.

Alphabet People
An expression used in online hate to refer to and dehumanize 2SLGBTQA+ people. The term pokes fun at the length of the acronym which is used to include non-heterosexual and non-cisgender identities.

Amerimutt is a meme character originating from the 4chan board "/pol/", which appears frequently in memes mocking multiculturalism, ethnic diversity, and so-called "race-mixing". It it sometimes used by ethnonationalists to ridicule nationalists whose politics are less extreme than theirs, on the basis that they are not really "white".

Anders Breivik
Anders Behring Breivik is a Norwegian neo-Nazi domestic terrorist and the perpetrator of two attacks that killed 77 people in 2011. He is currently serving a 21 year sentence in prison for these actions. Since the attacks, Breivik has become a symbol for neo-Nazis, some of whom hail him as a Saint alongside other white supremacist mass killers. He was notably cited by the Christchurch shooter Brenton Tarrant as a source of inspiration.
See also: Sainthood

"Anti-antifa" is a common dogwhistle for the promotion of fascism. Antifa stands for "Anti-fascist", implicating the double negative suffix "anti-antifa" as "fascist".
Antifa is also a loosely used term associated with anti-fascist and sometimes broader anti-racist groups. As most antifascist groups and activists are politically leftist, "anti-antifa" branding is sometimes marketed as anti-leftist, rather than pro-fascist. This strategy has been used historically to push neofascist movements to mainstream appeal, such as the explicitly neo-Nazi Rock Against Communism movement that positioned white power rock music as though it was primarily anti-communist rather than white supremacist.

Anti-white is a label used by white nationalists and other white supremacist hate movements to describe policies that favour diversity and immigration. They are often used in the context of references to the Great Replacement conspiracy theory, which alleges that whites are being oppressed and ultimately replaced in Western countries through immigration. The term aims to create the perception that there exists a global threat against whiteness, as well as to downplay racism against marginalized communities.
!["Under the Leadership [sic] of Justin Trudeau THE LIBERAL PART OF CANADA IS TRANSFORMED INTO AN ANTI-CHRISTIAN ANTI-WHITE [sic] HATE GROUP."](https://cdn.sanity.io/images/rdq6owff/production/963d173da50fca59d727bc4d03d6c89883df5ffa-515x325.jpg?w=515&h=325&auto=format)
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These lists are continually updated, and should not be considered comprehensive. Suggestions for future inclusions can be sent to neuberger [at] ujafed.org.