
A fat brainlet wojak labelled [redacted] looks at the words 'Abortion, Gays & Trannies, Climate alarmism' and 'mass immigration' and says 'Looks conservative to me!'.

Brainlet is a series of wojak images depicting a character with a small brain, which either protrudes from their face, or has been smashed in. The meme is often used to mock people who express differents points of view than those of the poster, in particular in the context of political discussions. Its use is also sometimes used to mock and dehumanized people with intellectual disabilities.

Hatepedia was produced by the Online Hate Research and Education Project, which is an initiative of the Holocaust Education Centre. For more information, please visit our website or contact us at neubeger [at]

Hatepedia and OHREP have been made possible in part by the Government of Canada.

Hatepedia et OHREP a été rendu possible en partie grâce au gouvernement du Canada.