Guide to Online Hate: Full List
This page collects all symbols, terms, slogans and themes.
"Okay" Hand Gesture
In 2017, alt-right activists on alternative social media sites like 4Chan began a deliberate campaign to spread the use of the single-handed gesture. In theory, three fingers form a ‘W’ while the index finger and thumb form a ‘P’ - the acronym for White Power.
The gesture was chosen because of its resemblance to a popular gesture representing “okay”, in the hopes that people would eventually become polarized over whether or not the signal was necessarily racist. In 2019, The Anti-Defamation League officially recognized the gesture as a hate symbol, but emphasizes that “use of the okay symbol in most contexts is entirely innocuous and harmless.”

Short-hand reference to "Ol' Slashy", the flag of Diagolon, a far-right and anti-government militia network. Most often used as a keyboard signature from followers of the movement. Not to be confused with a similar symbol popularized on 4Chan.

109 Countries
Also appears as: 110 Countries
“109 countries” is reference to an antisemitic myth that Jews have historically been expelled from 109 countries. The myth is persistent in conspiratorial antisemitic movements, and the idea that malicious Jewish conduct has led to widespread rejection is used to promote a white nationalist narrative that Jewish exile or genocide are necessary.
The phrase is sometimes censored on social media for hate speech and disinformation, however, references to the concept that use coded language, such as referencing “the 110th country” in future-tense can be more difficult to moderate.

Number codes like 13/50 are used by white supremacists to perpetuate a racist myth that black people are inherently prone to crime or violence. 13/50 is a code for the false claim that Black Americans commit 50% of violence crime despite making up 13% of the population. The percentages and the slogan often appear in similar numbers like 14% and 51%, respectively. Because they are coded, they can appear in memes that do not immediately appear to be hateful to those unfamiliar with them.

1488 (often stylized as 14/88) is a white supremacist dog whistle. “14” represents the Fourteen Words, a white power phrase created by neo-Nazi David Lane, while “88” is used to represent "HH", common shorthand for “Heil Hitler” (‘H’ being the eighth letter in the alphabet).
1488 appears consistently in image memes and in text form in a variety white supremacist movements. It is also a common tattoo among white supremacists, and is used to indicate dedication to neo-Nazi and white supremacist ideologies.

18 is sometimes used as a coded white supremacist dogwhistle. In these contexts, the number is shorthand for Adolf Hitler's initials, with '1' representing the first letter of the alphabet, A, and '8' representing the eighth letter of the alphabet, 'H'. The neo-Nazi group Combat 18 is one such group that uses 18 as a dogwhistle.

A numeric symbol referring to Adolf Hitler’s birthday on April 20. In some cases, it is also used in reference to the birthday of Maurice Duplessis, the socially conservative Premier of Québec from 1936 to 1939 and from 1944 to 1959. In either case, use of this symbol is often tongue-in-cheek, as it also happens to be an important symbol in cannabis culture. As such, most uses of the symbol are not hateful, and context is highly important in understanding its meaning.

41% is sometimes used as shorthand to reference the findings of 2015 survey by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention in which 41% of transgender and gender non-comforming respondants said they had attempted suicide. Following news of the results, the number was recognized as being representative of the discrimination and abuse that transgender and gender non-comforming people, especially youth, face. It is sometimes invoked in transphobic and queerphobic contexts to intimidate and mock targets.

6 Gorillion
‘Six Gorillion’ is mocking reference to the six million Jews killed by Nazi Germany in the Holocaust. The term exists to emphasize an antisemitic narrative that the number six million was fabricated, and that Jews use that figure as a rhetorical shield and justification for alleged machinations. It is used in antisemitic memes to deny, distort, or mock the Holocaust and the memorial culture that surrounds it.

6 Million?
"6 Million?" is a meme that calls into question the number of Jews killed during the Holocaust. Some Holocaust deniers and distorters will concede that Jews were killed by the Nazi regime and their collaborators, but will attempt to use sophistry and disinformation to undermine widely documented and accepted historical facts.

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These lists are continually updated, and should not be considered comprehensive. Suggestions for future inclusions can be sent to neuberger [at]